
Monday, September 19, 2011

How I Pay for Piano Lessons

I am so excited to tell you how I get free piano lessons for 2 of my children and guitar lessons for another.  I use a very old term that isn't used very much these days.  I barter. The definition of bartering is a type of trade, either between individuals or organizations, using goods and services rather than money. In these trying times where money is tight people are still finding ways to provide those "extras" in life without breaking the bank.  Today I am going to show you how I barter and how you can get started. 

I have always wanted my children to learn to play an instrument and learn music. I have some very talented friends.  One of those friends plays piano at church and I asked her if she was interested in teaching piano to 2 of my girls. She is great but it took a little convincing that she could teach.  When she said yes I asked her if she would take "stuff" as payment.  I told her that she could shop in my stockpile for anything she need.  We agreed that she would accept $10 worth of my stockpile for each lesson. You see she has 2 small boys and at the time both were in diapers.  She knows that I am a couponer and I have been able to get cheap diaper for her before.  I have paid with diaper, razors for her and her hubby, shampoo and a few other things.  Another one of my girls get guitar lessons.  My family has "adopted" a young bachelor from our church.  He has truly become part of the family.  He comes over for family night where we watch movies or play games.  He brings his laundry and before dinner as someone in the house is starting the washer he is giving my oldest daughter a guitar lesson.  He plays beautifully and love to teach as well.  What a blessing he is.

This is just 2 ways that I barter.  You can do it to.  The hardest part is asking but don't let that stop you. You could use your talents to barter but remember that it isn't just talent.  You could use coupons to add to your stockpile and let people "shop" at your house.  If you don't mind cleaning toilets and floors I know someone who would barter with you. ME!

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