
Friday, January 6, 2012

Thought of the Day - 55

Save the Payment

Once you finish paying off your car loan start saving that amount and putting it in a "car" account.  Lets face it, that car isn't going to last forever.  As a matter of Murphy's Law when we paid off our van we had to spend the first month of no car payment on repairs.  The next month was the same.  We ended having to purchase another vehicle and will soon have it paid off.  Once we do we will be saving for the next one so we can pay cash and never have another "car payment".

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thought of the Day - 54

Bank the Raise

Well it's the new year and many people get a yearly increase.  Instead of putting it into you budget have that raise deposited directly into a savings.  Do this every year.  After a couple of years you'll have a nice little savings.  That is if you keep you little fingers out of it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thought of the Day - 53

Learn to groom your own pet.

Buy some cheap clippers and use and save yourself some cash!

Yes It's Been A Long Time

Yes it has been a long time since my last post.  2011 was crazy!  I really hope that 2012 is slower and that I can post more.  Obviously I didn't make my goal of posting everyday but that's ok. I decided to do a quick post today because I was cleaning out a drawer and found some notes that I had written for this blog.  I wanted to just throw some thoughts out there for 2012.